I shared some things that were happening to my daughter(s) & I when we rented a house In George West, TX. The time period for mine was 7-98 to 7-99. She sent this to me so that I would know that other people have experienced some of the things that were happening to us. Here is a link to my Ghost entry page. I hope you enjoy reading this.
It is not a


Date: 8/17/98


Kentucky Ghost Story

Note from my friend: I'm sending this to you & whoever else is interested in this kind of stuff...A friend of mine found this in her "stash" of family memento's. It's a copy of a report that her Aunt wrote up for a Team of University Paranormal Investigators who came out to visit her dairy farm.

Here we go... (This is her Aunt speaking in first person here.) As you read, note that this was a house with FOUR teenagers in it, two of them are girls. Also, note the part where she talks about hearing her daughter calling her.

The Beginning

My story begins in the fall of 1979. I married Roy McCrary and my two daughters, Kim and Sabrina, and I moved to his dairy farm in Breckinridge County, Kentucky. His son, Greg, and his friend, Terry, also lived with us. The dairy farm was known as the Hamp Mitchum Farm. It had a 40-ft. entrance to the 10th largest cave in the world. We had 60 cows and 40 calves. Other than finding an old Ouija Board in top of the hall closet the day we moved in, everything seemed fairly normal but then things started happening.

My story is named "Alvey" because after researching past residents of the farm and descriptions given by neighbors, we realized the ghost was Alvey Peters who used to own the farm. He seemed to always acknowledge that name when we talked to him.

I'll begin with my husband's experiences. One night Roy went out in the field in back to see if any calves had been born. He saw a man standing in the field dressed in work clothes. Roy had a large flashlight with him and as he approached him, the man disappeared. About six months later when Roy had finished milking and was walking to the house, he saw a light (the size of a washtub) come down from the sky and disappear at the exact spot where he saw the man standing in the field earlier.

One Sunday morning while Roy was milking the cows, he had to leave and go to the house to use the bathroom. He had the gates and doors locked so the cows couldn't get out of their milking stalls. When he returned, the gates and doors were still locked but the cows were gone. He found them in the holding pen but they were so upset and nervous he couldn't get them back into the milking parlor. Everyone at the house was sleep at the time.
One night while Roy was milking the milkers wouldn't stay on one of the cows. He would put the milkers on but something would take them right back off again. Roy could feel the presence of the ghost. Also once when he was milking, the sliding door at the side of the parlor, which weighed a lot stood straight out and then banged against the parlor. There weren't any cows around the door at the time.

One night we milked all our cows and put the milk into the stainless steel holding tank. The next morning all the milk was gone and there was no sign of the milk ever having been in the tank. The floor and the tank were both spotless. Sometimes the lights in the dairy would go on and off for no apparent reason. The man who owned the dairy before us had the same experience. When we asked about other experiences, he only smiled.

Alvey was hard on all of our equipment. Roy had the mixer and grinder hooked up to the tractor and something kept racing the motor on the tractor. The tractor also started by itself a few times. We had new silage wagons and the tires would go flat for no reason. Greg's friend, Kelly, came for a visit. He had all new tires on his car. He spent the night at our house and the next morning all of his tires were flat for no reason.

We had a small dog-named Ralph who wouldn't go into the dining room until Roy paneled a wall where a door used to be.

One night while Roy was sleeping the ghost tapped him really hard on the back and woke him up. Roy often felt the ghost sit down on the bed.

My first experience with the ghost happened about the first week we lived on the farm. I was loading the dishwasher when I felt someone pinch me on the thigh. When I looked around, no one was there. In fact, no one was even in the house but me.

One day I was in the bedroom cleaning when the window shade flew up. I was trying to pull it back down when the lampshade started spinning around. The radio also started playing. <<<Jean's note "this is when I would have moved out!">>>

I was sweeping out the shed, which was located out in back of the house, when I saw a man walk by carrying a bucket. I thought it was Greg taking feed to his hogs. The man was wearing overalls and a white T-shirt. I even waved at him. I went on to the house and you can imagine my surprise when I saw Greg eating his lunch. He thought I was crazy.

I heard my daughter, Kim, call "Mother" one day from her bedroom while I was in the kitchen. I went to her room but, of course, she wasn't there. She was at school.

Late one evening as it was starting to get dark one of the women who worked in our tobacco patch came to pick up her check. She said she saw a big light over the tobacco barn. I went outside with her and the light was gone, but there was a misty cloud, which looked like it was sitting on top of the barn. We never told anyone who worked for us about Alvey or the strange events that happened on the farm.

Our color television was messed up. The color was gone and had been that way for about six weeks. The kids and I were in the kitchen discussing how nice it would be to have a ghost who could fix things. A few minutes later when we turned on the television the color was back on the set. We said "Thank you Alvey." Of course, he was probably the one who messed it up to begin with. He loved messing with the electricity. He also loved to change the radio stations. The cord on the wall phone in the kitchen would swing back and forth.

My oldest daughter, Sabrina, had the most experiences with Alvey. Alvey seemed to have a strong attachment to her. He would shake her bed while she was in it. Or if she were lying on the couch, he would shake the couch. She would also feel him sit down on her bed. The ghost would make her shade fly up. Alvey would come into the bathroom while she was in the shower and change the radio station. She would see his shadow on the shower curtain. When she would undress in her room, she would also feel his presence.

One night while she was sleeping, she felt his fingers on her face. This woke her up and she reached up and felt two ice-cold fingers on her face and then they were gone.

She was riding on a tractor one day when they passed the spot where Roy saw him one night. Although it was a very hot day, it felt really cold at that spot. Our cat named "Fat Cat" was following her in the field one day but the cat wouldn't go near the spot where Roy saw the ghost.

While walking in the woods on the farm one day, Sabrina found a tree with a lot of car parts around it and a seat up in the tree. She kept feeling something pulling her back to that spot, but she couldn't figure out why.

We had a sick cow in the dairy and when she would go into the milking parlor to get feed and water, Alvey would pull the rope down so the door would open for her. One night Sabrina and I had to go to the barn and feed some calves. It was getting dark and the light in the barn was broken. We asked Alvey if he would fix the light for us and the light went on. We said "Thank you Alvey."

A friend of Sabrina's was lying on the sofa one day when he felt cold clammy hands over his face. He tried to get them off but couldn't. Finally the hands disappeared but his face was still damp. When this person was leaving the house, he felt as if someone were in the front seat with him. This someone changed the station on his radio. When he got to the end of the driveway, he saw a light around the pond and he stopped and watched the light for about 15 minutes, which finally disappeared in the woods out back.

One night Sabrina was sitting at the kitchen table and she looked into Roy's office. She saw an arm reach over and turn off the light. She thought it was Roy who turned off the light and she walked into the office but there was no one there.

One day she saw Alvey walking down by the spring then he suddenly disappeared. This was Alvey's favorite spot.

Once while Sabrina was sitting on the porch at night, Alvey pinched her on the leg. Little things were always disappearing from her dresser in her room, but if she asked Alvey to bring them back he would.

Sabrina could always sense his presence and saw him many times. He would appear as a regular man with a large build, wearing overalls and a plaid or a white shirt. At other times he would just have an outline with misty smoke for his body.

My youngest daughter, Kim, was the most frightened of the ghost. She was always afraid that if Sabrina moved away that he would start hitting on her. She and Sabrina shared a room and when Sabrina wasn't there at bedtime, Kim would sleep with a cross around her neck and leave the light on. Of course, when Kim went to sleep...Alvey turned off the light.

Once Kim had a friend, Nona, spending the night with her. They had already gone to bed when Sabrina came in from a date and was getting ready for bed. Nona saw a large man in bib overalls standing in back of Sabrina. Nona tried to wake Kim up but the figure had already disappeared by the time she woke up.

One night Kim was changing clothes in their bedroom when the bed started shaking like crazy. She felt like someone was watching her. Another time she saw Sabrina's bed sink down as if someone had sat down.

Once Kim lost Sabrina's ankle bracelet at school while she was running to catch the bus to come home. Weeks later Sabrina opened her jewelry box and there it was neatly laid inside. Kim never wore it again but Roy found it a month later out in the barn on the floor.

One Thanksgiving Kim invited a friend, James, for dinner. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room when James saw a man walk in and sit down in front of them to watch television. He thought it was one of our relatives. A second later the man disappeared. He kept asking Kim where the man went but Kim never saw anyone sit in the chair.

One night as Kim's boyfriend, Greg, was leaving our farm in his car he saw someone dressed in white running alongside the car. He thought it was Kim and he slowed down to stop. Then he realized it wasn't Kim or anyone else he knew. He then pushed the pedal to the metal and the figure became smaller and appeared to go under the back of the car. Greg made it home in record time that night!

One night Karen (Roy's daughter) stayed all night with us. She was in the bed with Kim who was asleep. Karen saw the bedroom door move and then something poked her in her cheek.

Karen, her cousin Johnny, and Kim were out in the field where Roy saw the man standing. It was a pretty day and the wind wasn't blowing. All of a sudden the tree where they were standing started shaking really hard. They ran to the house so fast that they left their shoes behind. That same day they could hear children playing and laughing. Of course there wasn't anyone around but them.

The ghost also put his hand on Kim's hip while she was standing in the kitchen. Alvey would stop records in the middle of a song and put the needle arm back in the cradle. He didn't like rock music.

A friend of ours, Jack Nunn, and his two sons went fishing in the pond out back which was near the spring where the ghost often appeared. He said every step they took, they heard and felt someone following them. They didn't stay long.

The thing, which was the strangest to me, was how Alvey appeared in the daytime as a regular person and then disappeared. I always thought ghosts were white, vapory see-through apparitions. Kim and I would never sense his presence like the rest of the family. We only saw what he was doing. The hair never out on our neck nor did we feel tingly like the rest of the family when Alvey was around. I would never want to have a ghost again, but I must say the experience was enlightening and life was never dull during the two and a half years we lived on the dairy farm.

I met a preacher and his wife who lived there after us. I asked if they ever noticed anything strange happening. She said that once while they were waiting for their church to be organized, they held a service in the living room. While the preacher was praying, a picture of Jesus fell off the wall, bounced all over the living room floor, and finally broke into pieces. The bouncing was especially strange considering there is a concrete floor under the carpet since the living room was built where the front porch originally was.

The End -- I Hope!

Author's Name withheld at their request.

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Please do NOT infringe on her rights.

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