About Paul

I met Paul at the AOL message board for Domestic Auto Repair in Jan 2000.
He was a mechanic that had been injured in 95 and although he was living with a painful disability, he never gave up on life. He always helped everyone else out, and had a smile on his face.

The following is a letter that he sent to me about himself.

I thought that you might enjoy it and get to know the person that I admired.


Date: 06/14/2000 6:46:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time

About me,
I ripped a muscle in my calf, and Dr. says they can operate but never be OK. They explained that once muscle is torn like that, it just won't heal right.

I get around, sometimes too much, then I really pay for it for a couple days! I just can't stand, walk very much, carry much weight.

It happened 2-14-95, and keeps getting worse. Great for a mechanic, huh? Anyhow, I had no insurance, and it happened on a big companies warehouse, due to their negligence, but I just figured it would go away, (that's what their insurance said, LOL).

Any how, was OK seemed like, for 8 mo., then ripped again, and I've been sliding downhill ever since.

Finally have had to pretty much give up, went to FL State Voc Rehab, they say they are going to retrain me in computers, and that I have been approved for months, but nothing yet.

I'm struggle doing whatever for enough to pay bills, plus deplete savings, (down to the bone now), selling off equip, trying to stay afloat until I get retrained, then got a computer in a trade, repaired it and was learning about them on my own, and found the Internet and message boards. I started the website because I am not a typist and got tired of retyping

"what kind of car, what year", etc.

Had to quit AOL after free month, people sent me money, said I saved them a lot, so here is a few bucks. And that's kind of where it stands.

I have free ISP, (Bluelight), and AOL BYOA, an old Pentium 75, and the desire to help people. I am trying to get it to where I can make enough to keep doing it. I don't want to charge people up front, like others do, but I can't afford to do it for free, so I ask if I help you, and save you money, then send me a few bucks.

Well, you've seen my site. So that's the concepts behind the website,

1. I need to know these things to give accurate advice.

2. I need money, but don't want to not help anyone who needs help and can't afford it.

I am a Christian, and the Holy Spirit said this was the answer.

So far I have made a grand total of $80, but it has been a blessing. All I wanted to do at first was just be able to keep on line, I still don't want to get rich! LOL

So there's my story, and you're the first person I've ever told all this to and I don't know why, I just feel the Spirit coming from you, and feel like I want you to know what I am about.

Thank for your interest, if I haven't used it all up with this book! LOL!!




Paul had helped me in the past with our vehicles, so I asked if I could take a look at his web site & help out, trade off talents & wisdom. ;) So that's how I met Paul, aka askamechanic. We wrote to each other every couple of days and filled each other in on the latest.
He was a good, sweet friend, and I miss him Terribly. :(


I will add more information when I receive it from his family.


Disclaimer: If any images on this site are copyrighted, I will be more than happy to remove them or give credit to author per their request. They were either found at Free Sites, or I have the authors permission to use them. Thanks ;)

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This is a photo that my daughter took & is letting me use for my Logo ;)
Site Created 7-15-00
Site Updated 7-19-00
Site is copyright protected TxLa WebDesignŠ 2000..

The background picture was taken by me when we were in South Texas in June 2000 selling our house.